Quality policy

Démix Distribuciones SL is a company specializing in the marketing, sales and distribution of chemical products and specialties, where service quality is a fundamental component.

Démix Distribuciones SL has implemented a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, aiming for continuous improvement and maximizing customer satisfaction in the company’s activities, which include:




Our policy is structured around the following pillars:

        1. Comply with legal requirements, as well as other applicable requirements.
        2. Monitor and supervise the Quality objectives defined by Management through context analysis and strategic lines.
        3. Establish and periodically review the achievement of Quality indicators, sharing these requirements within our structure.
        4. Ensure continuous improvement and maintenance of the implemented management system.
        5. Promote a continuous training program for our employees to achieve the established internal objectives.
        6. Ensure favorable working conditions through evaluation and identification of improvements.
        7. Commit to environmental preservation by promoting the rational use of natural resources and involving our customers and suppliers.


The person responsible for the established Quality Management System will periodically review the system to ensure and maintain the effectiveness and efficiency of the service.

Management at Démix Distribuciones is committed to distributing the Quality Policy to all company personnel, ensuring they understand and comprehend it. Additionally, it is made available to customers and other stakeholders.